
Visiting the Tulips

A Stray Purple in a Sea of Yellow.

Since moving to Seattle most of our exploring has been confined to the city itself, something that we have wanted to change and adventured to this past weekend. Our calendar was clear for the weekend so I looked into the Skagit Tulip Festival. Honestly Chris and I had no idea what to expect when we hit the road for the 60 plus mile drive North to Mount Vernon. What we did not expect was over seven hours in the car and returning home without tulips and a cooler bag full of massive oysters. Focusing on the positive elements of the adventure; we finally made it out to Taylor Shellfish Farm where we tried our luck at shucking  some of the largest oysters I have ever seen, the weather warm, clear and sunny, and the tulips were in full bloom. While I would love to go back to Taylor Shellfish better prepared, don’t think we will visit the tulips again next year. (Huge bonus points to Chris all the driving involved)