
Weekend on the Olympic Peninsula

In mid-August we continued our mission to explore beyond Seattle and spent a long weekend on the Olympic Peninsula. What started fairly eventfully (the car battery  died while waiting in line for the ferry) turned out to be a relaxing and enjoyable four days. In total we went on three hikes / nature walks, walked on two beaches, happened to find restaurants with live music two nights, stayed overnight in a caboose,  slept in a cabin on a lake another night, and even meet up with friends one night for dinner. The best part was that all of this was only a few hours from our house. You can see a map of our adventure here.

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Stopped along the way at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe welcome sign.

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Melissa picking lavender at Jardin du Soleil.

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Hurricane Ridge

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Chris made a new friend during our rest at the top.

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Walking down to the dock at Lake Sutherland after dinner.

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Incredibly clear Lake Crescent.

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Ruby Beach as the fog started to clear.

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Skipping stones.

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